There are different ways to organize materials. If anybody has taken lab in biology in college, you recognize that there's a difficulty in being able to classify different animals, or in this case different techniques, into specific categories. Due to this natural organic connection that defies separations in our universe, one can create multiple ways to classify or organizing information. Years ago I looked at all the different types of mixed martial arts I could put my hands on, and the first thing I did was notice the way they classified their martial arts, how they organized it, and what their belt system was. I decided that when I was creating my martial arts I was going to organize it using different patterns of organization. I took the same techniques and organized them within completely different organizational patterns. Within the belt system itself, I organize it from simple and easy techniques and slowly layered and progressed to the more complex techniques.
Then there are the progressions or templates. This is where you take a punch from an attacker and progress through a series of organized moves from a block, to a counter, to a balance destruction, to a take-down, to the ground finish. I have also organized all the techniques accordingly to range. And I have also organized the techniques along the lines of similarities. In the immersion system, I teach more along the lines of ranges, and similarities of techniques. The immersion system is basically teaching as many moves and as many combat abilities as possible, as quickly as possible. I love the idea of showing people 60 different blocks for a straight punch, 34 basic simple blocks for a haymaker etc.